
声波定位仪 meaning in English

sound locator


  1. Skipper , combat relays that our sub has something on the sonar
  2. Overhead satellites , diving robotic probes , buoys , sonar mapping , floating and underwater observatories and tagged ocean animals ( whose tags email scientists every day with an update as to where they ' ve been and what they ' ve been doing ) allow scientists to see more of the oceans than ever before

Related Words

  1. 声波传输
  2. 声波探测
  3. 声波探测仪
  4. 声波导
  5. 声波雷达
  6. 声波打桩机
  7. 声波衰减
  8. 声波发射
  9. 声波测探
  10. 声波定位
  11. 声波定位器,声纳
  12. 声波定位系统
  13. 声波定位仪器
  14. 声波定位与测距
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