
垂直混合 meaning in English

vertical mixing


  1. Since humidity generally decreases with height, enhanced vertical mixing usually causes eventual evaporation and disappearance of the cloud .
  2. There is a minimum of vertical mixing because the warm water can not displace the dense , colder deep water
  3. A two layer numerical model is given which includes vertical integration equation , momentum equation , temperature equation , and its adjoint equations to study the vertical diffusivity coefficient
  4. Based on this , the numerical model is used in the south china sea . the upper thermocline is the first level , and the rest is the second level . the initial values kv of assimilation is 2 . 0xl ( t4 / ? 1s ' ~ l and the time window of assimilation is 1 month
    在此基础上,我们将该模式应用于南中国海,分层取在温跃层处,选取2 . 0 10 ~ ( - 4 ) m ~ 2s ~ ( - 1 )为垂直混合系数的同化初值,同化时间长度为一个月。
  5. The vertical diffusivity coefficients kv in january , april , july , october , 1997 are studied respectively . the result is same as the fact that the vertical diffusivity coefficient is large near the coastline and the vertical diffusivity coefficient is small in the interior . the vertical diffusivity coefficient assimilated in january is larger and the possible reason is that the vertical mixing of the south china sea is stronger in winter and there is a cool eddy in winter in the south china sea
    我们分别做了1997年1 、 4 、 7 、 10月份的k _ v ,结果与垂直混合系数在岸边附近较大,在海洋内部较小这一事实相一致, 1月份同化的垂直混合系数值偏大分析原因是冬季南中国海垂直混合较强,可能也与在南中国海内部冬季有一个冷涡有关系。

Related Words

  1. 垂直
  2. 垂直垂直度
  3. 垂直会聚控制
  4. 垂直会聚线圈
  5. 垂直混合河口
  6. 垂直活动带式仪表
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