
圆柱形试样 meaning in English

cylindrical specimen


  1. Method for field evaluation of wood preservatives in round post - size specimens
  2. Standard test method for sharp - notch tension testing with cylindrical specimens
  3. Standard test method for measuring changes in height of cylindrical specimens of hydraulic - cement grout
  4. Standard test method for change in height at early ages of cylindrical specimens of cementitious mixtures
  5. In this paper , the high - temperature low - cycle fatigue life and fatigue crack propagation life tests are carried on the cylindrical axial symmetry specimens having precrack or non - precrack with different types of notches of 16mnr steel in common use in the petrochemical industry contacting coke drum equipment , the stress / strain and the range of stress / strain of dangerous points are received through stress analysis of the specimens using finite element program under multi - axial stress state . at last , the equations of evaluating the high - temperature low - cycle fatigue life and the fatigue crack propagation life are found through using the least - square regression method

Related Words

  1. 圆柱轴线
  2. 圆柱栏
  3. 圆柱副
  4. 圆柱界面
  5. 圆柱半径
  6. 石墨圆柱
  7. 双圆柱
  8. 共轴圆柱
  9. 圆柱透视的
  10. 圆柱对称性
  11. 圆柱形绳结
  12. 圆柱形试片
  13. 圆柱形束
  14. 圆柱形水位表垫圈
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