固有膜 meaning in English
lamina propria mucosae
membrana propria
proper coat
tunica propria
- Mucous epithelium of stomach was single columnar and laxnina porpria was filled with pipe - shaped glands
粘膜上皮为单层柱状,固有膜为管状胃腺所充满。 - There were intraepithelial cells ( iel ) and lamina porpria lymphocytes ( lpl ) in the mucous epithelium . the amount of these cells increased from the proximal part to distal part of the digestive tract
粘膜内具有上皮内淋巴细胞( intraepitheliallymphocyte , iel )和固有膜淋巴细胞( laminaporprialymphocyte , lpl ) ,且在消化道中表现出由前向后逐渐增多的趋势。