
哈佛大学法学院 meaning in English

harvard law school
harvard university law school


  1. The writer , a harvard law professor , comes from a prominent american family
  2. Read harvard law school s weblogs page , which includes donna wentworth s definition of weblogs
  3. Raiffa , howard , lectures on negotiation analysis , program on negotiation at the harvard law school , 1998
    《谈判分析的讲座》哈佛大学法学院谈判训练课程, 1998 。
  4. Just before world war ii , she married philip graham , a brilliant harvard law grad and supreme court clerk
    就在二战前夕,她嫁给了菲利普?格雷厄姆- -一个才华横溢的哈佛大学法学院的毕业生,在最高法院任职。
  5. Zittrain is professor of internet governance and regulation at oxford university , and co - founder of the berkman center for internet and society at harvard law school
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Related Words

  1. 法学
  2. 档案法学
  3. 法学沙龙
  4. 法学方法论
  5. 法学导论
  6. 整体法学
  7. 平衡法学
  8. 伦理法学
  9. 法学系
  10. 哈佛大学出版社
  11. 哈佛大学东亚法律研究所
  12. 哈佛大学法学院, 哈佛法学院
  13. 哈佛大学福格艺术博物馆
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