叶面 meaning in English
blade face
leaf area
leaf surface
- The leaves over hintock unrolled their creased tissues .
覆盖着辛托克的树叶,展开了它们皱巴巴的叶面。 - Urea is commonly used as the source of nitrogen in foliage sprays .
尿素作为氮素给源普遍地应用于叶面喷布。 - "visible injury" is a term used to indicate necrosis on the leaf surface .
“可见危害”这个名词常常指叶面的坏死。 - Leaf area is the best measure of the photosynthesizing capacity of the plant .
叶面积是测定植株光合能力的最好尺度。 - For bacterial leaf spots, the classical symptoms are circular, angular, watersoaked areas on the leaves .