
发育率 meaning in English

development rates
developmental rate


  1. 2 ) the rat - mouse reconstructed embryos activated were been cultured in the maturation mediums of tcm199 , ml6 , czb and czbm ( czb modified ) for 48h
    直接注射法和融合法构建的重组胚桑椹胚发育率分别可达9 . 84 、 9 . 48 。
  2. When the temperature was at 25 , the efs30 ops two - step method had a blastocyst rate of 62 . 22 % , the highest rate in all groups
    改用ops二步法efs30冷冻组保存后的2 -细胞胚胎的囊胚发育率高达62 . 22 ,为试验中的最佳组。
  3. The fresh mouse morulae were bisected following decompaction ( experiment 3 ) and other morulae without decompaction ( experiment 4 ) also splitted
  4. Superovulation was induced by injection intramuscular of different dosages of fsh once daily for 5 days or fsh + 30 % pvp once , and then injection intravenous of 100 iu hcg on the 6th day
    经血清饥饿3d 、 4d 、 sd同步化处理构建的重组胚,其桑堪胚发育率分别为20 22 、 18
  5. There were no significant difference in fusion rate , cleavage rate and blastocyte development rate with different enucleation time of oocytes during ivm16 - 24h ( p > 0 . 05 )
    在体外成熟16 24h期间,水牛卵母细胞去核时间的不同对核移植后的融合率,分裂率和囊胚发育率没有显著影响。
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Related Words

  1. 发育生理
  2. 发育调节
  3. 促进发育
  4. 发育中心
  5. 发育迅速
  6. 性发育
  7. 和谐发育
  8. 生前发育
  9. 发育器官
  10. 发育表
  11. 发育临界
  12. 发育灵活度
  13. 发育囊肿
  14. 发育能力
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