
发出咯咯声 meaning in English

klappern rattle


  1. The idiot lifts a palsied left arm and gurgles . grhahute
  2. He faced about and blessed gravely thrice the tower , the surrounding country and the awaking mountains . then , catching sight of stephen dedalus , he bent towards him and made rapid crosses in the air , gurgling in his throat and shaking his head
  3. Stephen dedalus , displeased and sleepy , leaned his arms on the top of the staircase and looked coldly at the shaking gurgling face that blessed him , equine in its length , and at the light untonsured hair , grained and hued like pale oak

Related Words

  1. 咯咯笑
  2. 发出信号
  3. 发出命令
  4. 发出哄然大笑
  5. 发出警告
  6. 发出电光
  7. 发出电力
  8. 发出响声
  9. 无法发出
  10. 发出通告
  11. 发出喀啦声,硬物质的撞击声
  12. 发出卡嗒声
  13. 发出空袭警报
  14. 发出空袭警报线
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