反馈控制环 meaning in English
feedback control loop
- The feedback of the output voltage is the major control loop . to achieve better frequency response and disturbance rejection of the input voltage , a input voltage feed - forward system is introduced in control loop . the duty - cycle of pwm applied at the gate of power mosfet is modulated by both input and output voltage
该芯片采用的控制方式为电压型pwm (脉冲宽度调制, pulsewidthmodulation )控制方式,以输出电压反馈作为主要控制参量,同时为了提高芯片对输入电压扰动的响应速度,采用了输入电压前馈方法,将输入电压因素引入了反馈控制环中,通过对输入输出电压的检测,控制加在功率mos管栅极电压上矩形脉冲的占空比,进而调节输出电压。