
历史学派 meaning in English

historical school


  1. Quantum - school and historic school of western economics
  2. Socio cultural historical school
  3. Implications of the german historical school of economics and the methodenstreit in the mid - 19th century
  4. The collision between two trends of thought in economics and their evolution - tracing the thought of history school and austria school and their influence on modern economics

Related Words

  1. 激进学派会计理论
  2. 历史地质学
  3. 历史文摘
  4. 历史类比
  5. 版本历史
  6. 摩洛哥历史
  7. 历史问题
  8. 历史掌故
  9. 中国历史
  10. 微软历史
  11. 历史学家普瑞斯各德
  12. 历史学类
  13. 历史学派经济学
  14. 历史学习
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