
卡诺效率 meaning in English

carnot efficiency


  1. In order to approach the carnot efficiency , the processes involved in the heat engine cycle must be reversible and involve no change in entropy
  2. When the second law of thermodynamics states that not all the supplied heat in a heat engine can be used to do work , the carnot efficiency sets the limiting value on the fraction of the heat which can be so used

Related Words

  1. 提高效率
  2. 石灰效率
  3. 水泥效率
  4. 降雨效率
  5. 效率轨迹
  6. 效率管理
  7. 动态效率
  8. 排除效率
  9. 频谱效率
  10. 转轮效率
  11. 卡诺希
  12. 卡诺系数
  13. 卡诺循环
  14. 卡诺循环过程
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