
协方差平稳过程 meaning in English

covariance stationary process


  1. The relationship of the spca , pca and kpca are established . according to the covariance stationary processes , spca arithmetic also has certain stability and convergent similar to pca arithmetic
  2. In this thesis , based on principal component analysis ( pca ) , covariance stationary processes and spectral analysis theory of linear operator , spectral principal component analysis ( spca ) is put forward
  3. We proof the covariance function of covariance stationary processes is equivalent with mercer kernel function . that is , the covariance function of covariance stationary processes is a mercer kernel function ; in reverse , for a given mercer kernel function , there exists a covariance stationary processes , and the covariance function corresponded to this covariance stationary processes is the given symmetry positive - definite kernel function . it means that the covariance function is equivalent to symmetry positive - definite kernel function

Related Words

  1. 平稳杆
  2. 方差传播
  3. 通协
  4. 协胜
  5. 世界路协
  6. 三协唯
  7. 协变坐标
  8. 协成航空公司
  9. 协合音
  10. 标准化协方差
  11. 协方差距阵
  12. 协方差模型
  13. 协方差算子
  14. 协方差图函数
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