十九世纪上半叶 meaning in English
during the upper half of the19th
- What signs of dynastic decline can be detected in china in the first half of the 19th century
十九世纪上半叶中国己经表现出那些朝代衰象?试说明之 - In 1893 , there was an appointment that was to have extensive ramifications . francis may , one of a string of irishmen who headed the force in its first half - century , took command , aged 33 , and set to work like a whirlwind
在一八九三年, 33岁的梅含理出掌警队,在十九世纪上半叶,有多位爱尔兰人先后掌管警队,而梅含理是其中一个。 - An old theorem from the first half of the nineteenth century by lowry , wallace , bolyai and gerwien asserts that any simple polygon can be dissected into a finite number of pieces and put back together to form any other simple polygon of the same area
十九世纪上半叶lowry , wallace , bolyai与gerwien同时证明了一个古老的数学命题:任意给定平面上一个简单多边形,必可将其分划成有限块,重新安排,拼成另一个任意给定的等面积的简单多边形。