北松 meaning in English
muang pakxong
pak song
- The two cousins by now have finally persuaded mun s father to leave vietnam and his shop , a place where he had dedicated all his time and efforts . to acquire enough money to bribe the customs officers in their plan to get out of vietnam , mun had little choice but to pull a final deal of smuggling us cash . at the nightclub , they met the trafficker for the deal - kit . .
1974年,越南局势动荡, mark原名张志强,与堂弟张志民都在港任职修理技工,两人情逾兄弟,志民亲父即mark亲叔父张北松松叔,在越南经营小生意廿多年,为变卖松叔产业,二人赴越,多番获周英杰梅艳芳饰相助,而为疏通费用,二人挺而走险,几经波折,杰mark民及松叔终能回港,却遇上海关留难,结果