刻意的 meaning in English
intentional on purpose intended
- For one thing , it is a studiedly polite affair
首先,这是一件刻意的彬彬有礼的事件。 - You ' re not looking for anything
你不是在刻意的找什么东西。 - And one reality isn ' t necessarily more manipulative than another ? just different
未必,因为管道工这一方似乎没有丁点刻意的误导或损害的意思。 - It takes minimum effort to prepare and is a delicious and filling dish to return home to
它不需要刻意的去准备,却让你外出回家后可以享受的美味的,丰盛的饭菜。 - Life is a crack in the rubble miao , the stubborn tenacity , we have never deliberately attention , it has grown to trees