
到外国学习 meaning in English

go abroad to study


  1. I can ' t get a visa to the u . s . so now i need to come up with a new plan for studying abroad
  2. Gradually be about is an unexpected winner . the world is such . science and technology of that moment china developed , what to learn to the foreign country , have a language only

Related Words

  1. 外国记者
  2. 外国恐怖分子
  3. 外国居留权
  4. 外国支票
  5. 外国话
  6. 外国习俗
  7. 外国版
  8. 外国所有权
  9. 外国风俗习惯
  10. 外国经济法
  11. 到头总会被揭露
  12. 到外边呼吸新鲜空气
  13. 到外面请人代工
  14. 到外面去吹吹风
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