
出露面积 meaning in English

outcrop area


  1. The bareness area of carbonate rock of southwest china is 41 . 05 + 1004km2 , it is the biggest karst continuum strip
    我国西南地区碳酸盐类岩石出露面积达41 . 05万km ~ 2 ,是世界上最大的岩溶连续带。
  2. Carbonate area gets to 41 . 05x 104 km2 in southwest china . it is the maximal continuum of karst mountain in the world . the dimensionality area is about 82 . 4 thousands km2 in chongqing region
    我国西南地区碳酸盐类岩石出露面积达41 . 05x10 ~ 4km ~ 2 ,是世界上最大的岩溶连续带。
  3. The bareness carbonatite rock in chongqing is about 3 . 91 x 104km2 , makes up of 50 % of the overall land , and distributes mostly at northeast ( include three gorges reservoir area ) and southeast counties of chongqing
    重庆市碳酸盐岩出露面积约3 . 91万km ~ 2 ,约占幅员总面积( 8 . 24万km ~ 2 )的50 ,主要集中分布于渝东北(其中包括三峡库区)和渝东南各区市县。
  4. Abstract : according to the base flow separation results from hydrographs in many watershed , the best regression equation expressing the relationship between annual precipitation infiltration coefficient and the weight of different strata area to total area of the watershed is established . the equation can be used to calculate the precipitation infiltration recharge for different ground water basins in which the strata distribution and the precipitation are given . the precipitation recharge is equivalent to the ground water recharge in some mountainous area where the exploitation of ground water resources are far from being sufficient
  5. Limestone and dolomite cover about 130 km2 which takes up about 1 / 7 areas of the national land in china . besides , it is pluviose , muggy and damp in there areas , all of these accelerate the karst caves . there are more than 100 , 000 caves and holes under the earth , which consists of a karst caves kingdom in the world
    中国石灰岩和白云岩的出露面积约为130km2 ,约占全国总面积的1 7 ,加之雨量充沛,气候温热潮湿,喀斯特较为发育,地下洞穴孔道,计有数十万个之多,成为世界上的洞穴王国。
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Related Words

  1. 露面
  2. 初次露面
  3. 即将露面
  4. 重新露面
  5. 露面的
  6. 露面金冠
  7. 没露面
  8. 浮露面
  9. 剥露面
  10. 不露面
  11. 出露路
  12. 出露煤田
  13. 出露位置
  14. 出露效应
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