凯尔菲 meaning in English
- It is also believed that mackenzie rebuilt 10 and 18 greens at that time . the original design was by vernon macan in 1924
凯尔菲利普斯高尔夫球设计公司秉承以大自然为本的设计理念,坚持设计可与大自然融为一体的世界级传统经典高尔夫球场。 - The intent is to restore the facility as closely as possible as the current property boundaries will allow , using 1927 as their benchmark , when dr . alistair mackenzie re - bunkered the golf course
凯尔菲利普斯的每一个球场都是根据球场所处的地理位置历史和自然特点而设计的,因此每个球场都有其独一无二的特点。 - Unfortunately , the first five holes and the practice range were changed forever in the late 1960s when land was taken along the clubs northern boundary and san bruno creek filled in to accommodate a new expressway called westborough blvd . now , in 2007 , kyle phillips golf course design is proud to restore the back nine holes and the classic design essence to many of the front nine holes . in order to achieve this goal , two new golf holes will be placed on vacant land already owned by the club
凯尔菲利普斯高尔夫球场设计已得到了世界众多投资商的认可与委托,其中包括成功设计了距离苏格兰圣安德路斯市6英里处,典型林克斯风格的kingsbarns高尔夫球场,此球场在2001年荣获了高尔夫杂志排名的“世界前50个最佳的球场”的称号同时该球场在同年2月荣获了美国高尔夫摘要杂志的“全球最优秀新球场”的称号。 - Scottish golf links : a photographer s journey captures the exhilirating feeling of scotland - from the rugged coasts and lovely villages to the classic links brimming over with elegance and complexity , to the scottish whiskey that has sustained golfers over 400 years
另外凯尔菲利普斯高尔夫球场设计也针对高级的私人高尔夫俱乐部,例如,荷兰首都阿姆斯特丹的golf societeit de lage vuursche球场。苏格兰西南部ayrshire郡一个新建的传统林克斯海边球场dundonaldloch lomond高尔夫俱乐部。