准入规则 meaning in English
news access rules
- At the same time , in order to meet with international rules as quickly as we can , the government should compose china ' s market - permitting rules to seek reasonable trade protection
同时,为了尽快与国际规则接轨,政府还应构建我国的市场准入规则,寻求合理的贸易保护。 - Set up perfect telecommunication indemnity system ; encourage company to compete , improve their international comptetitive ability ; perfect the market entering rule , widen the open to civil
建立完善的电信保障体系;鼓励企业竞争,提高其国际竞争力;完善市场准入规则,扩大对国内开放。 - Because of the the two reasons , our products have more chances to meet with blocks and suffer more great losses . so it is necessery to know and study the products entry rules of importing market
综合这两方面的因素,我国的产品在上述国家市场中因不符合其产品准入规则而受阻的机率也就偏高,受到的经济损失也就更大。 - Considering the importance of the american product market for our country and realizing the urgency to study the products entry rules , so probbing into the product entry rules to american market has
但现有的研究成果很少对美国市场产品准入规则的特征及其对我国出口贸易的影响作深层次的分析,不能满足现阶段我国认识、应对以及借鉴美国产品市场准入规则的需要。 - However , while our foreign trade increasing rapidly , our export goods are meeting with blocks now and again as our goods have not reached the standard of the importing market . it is especially obvious to happen in the developed countries , such as us market , european union ( eu ) market