储运公司 meaning in English
storage and transportation company
storage andtransportation company
- Huachang storage transport co of sinotrans ningbo
宁波外运华昌储运公司 - Guangdong huada logistics company ( gdlc ) , founded in 1958 , the previous name guangdong commercial storage & distribution company , is a state - owned enterprise under guangdong commercial enterprise group
广东省华大物流总公司,原名广东省商业储运公司,成立于1958年,是广东省商业企业集团属下的国有全资企业。 - There is a perfect transportation system in tianjin habor petrochemical terminal area where the storing company located , which could meet the requirement in all kinds of oil products and chemical transportation via pipelines or by using trucks or marine tankers
北方石油储运公司库区所在的南疆港区具有完善的集疏运系统,可满足各类油品和液体化工品通过管道、公路、船舶等形式进行疏运。 - As a link between upstream and downstream in petrol - chemical industry in china , pipeline transmission play an important role . along with the reform in china petrol and chemical line , the oil - gas pipe market was divided into three parts . there are three main competitors : petrol - china pipeline company ; transport & storage company and west - south transport , their competition are very fiery each other
1998年中国三大石油公司的重组改制打破了中国油气管道运输业由一家企业? ?原中国石油天然气总公司廊坊管道局一统天下的局面,在原管道局的基础上,一分为二,分别组建了中国石油管道公司和中国石化管道储运公司。