债权代位权 meaning in English
beneficium cedendarum actionum
- By analyzing the , perspectives of scholars , this article discusses the nature of subrogation
在这一部分的最后,着重探讨了债权代位权的性质。 - The civil code of france . in accordance with our contract law . subrogation was written into it
由于债权代位权对债权相对效力的突破,因而扰乱了我们对债权相对性的习惯思维。 - In the first part , the general description was discussed . following it , i also discuss the developing process of subrogation last
在这一部分里,首先陈述了债权代位权的产生及其在我国的立法。 - This article discusses subrogation through harmonizng the civil procedure law . bankruptcy law and contract law . this article is divided into three parts
基于此,对本文的写作,笔者把其分为三部分进行:第一部分,债权代位权概述。 - This article argues that with the rapid economic development , subrogation betrays the " rule of warehousing " and forms the " rule of prior rights " in its exercising effect