侵略政策 meaning in English
aggressive policy
- Hiller pursued an aggressive policy after he seized power
希特勒掌权后采取了侵略政策 - Hilter pursued an aggressive policy after he seized power
希特勒自从掌权后,就开始推行侵略政策 - In their relation with the developing countries an aggressive policy has been followed
在和发展中国家的关系中,他们一直奉行侵略政策。 - The revolutionary war is a war of the masses ; it can be waged only by mobilizing the masses and relying on them
美国垄断资本集团如果坚持推行它的侵略政策和战争政策,势必有一天要被全世界人民处以刑。其他美国帮凶也将是这样。 - If the u . s . monopoly capitalist groups persist in pushing their policies of aggression and war , the day is bound to come when they will be hanged by the people of the whole world