例外情形下 meaning in English
exceptional cases
- The contract is the bridge and line that connect legal subjects , so there is a “ contract principle ” on private law . namely on principle the establishment , alteration or termination of legal relationship between legal subjects should be realized by the contract entered into by the parties . only in a little case can the legal relationship be changed by one party or by the law itself
合同法是私法的核心组成部分,合同是沟通权利主体之间的纽带和桥梁,因此私法上有所谓的“契约原则” ,也即原则上当事人之间无论是形成抑或是变更,乃至于消灭其间的法律关系均必须通过当事人之间所达成的契约来实现,只有在例外情形下才可由一方当事人来变动私法法律关系或者由法律直接规定某种法律后果。