低反差 meaning in English
low contrast
- 5 a multi - thread software cooperated with smp ( 2 cpu ) hardware performs the image - preprocessing correlation and post - processing synchronously , thus an automatic working module is realized . 6 systematic designed software , including grabing sarnies constructing rfl diging roi , and trainning ann offline and inline modules , has passed the practical tests which indicates that the opr could reach the recogniton possibility above 85 % and decrease the false alarm in the environment of high noise low contrast and multi - objects . and these are proved stable and repeatable in statistics , and so an advanced progress toward practical systems is achieved
6 、系统化设计的软件,包括了样本采集、参考滤波器库构成、相关平面的roi采集,以及ann脱机训练、 ann联机运行的软件功能模块,在实时运行的测试结果中表明了该opr系统对处于高噪声、低反差、多目标的恶劣条件下,对三维畸变目标的判识率( > 85 % ) ,降低了虚警率,并通过大量的实验数据证明了该系统各项指标的稳定性和可重复性(从统计意义上讲) ,向实用系统迈进了一大步。