人防通信 meaning in English
communication for people's airdefence
- Civil air defense alarm system was a system to dispense antiaircraft alarm sig - nal , hand hostile air attack informational communication to urbanite at wartime . it is a particular informational communication system of the civil air defense depart - ment , and can not be taken place . at the development trend of digitaliza - tion , unitization , integration of civil air defense communication , the civil air defense alarm system is developing too , for adaptation to the require of both future war and peaceful dual , and enhancing civil air defense communication system ' s directing automation . in recent years , development of different kinds of communication technology infuses new clearly energy into communication , especially spread spectrum communication , because of its strongly interference - free feature , invisibility best , realizable code division multiple access and antimultipath wane and so on merit , gets extensive use at wireless region ; the corresponding spread spectrum chips emerge as the times and get boom , which provides advantag e to realization of the circuit of spread spectrum communication . at the same time , in company with the advance of electronics level , the single chip microcomputer has a great development , world renowned chip manufacturer pushout respective products one after another , the kinds of which are too many to statiste