交易所公司 meaning in English
exchange company
- Each listed - company ' s ceo must certify annually that he or she is not aware of any violation by the company of nyse corporate - governance standards
每一个上市公司的首席执行官必须每年确认未发现违反纽约证券交易所公司治理标准的情况。 - 3 . discuss domestic and abroad environments which china stock exchanges are facing , and analyse mainly the direct factors of reform
3 、全面分析我国证券交易所目前所处的国内外市场环境,并重点从微观角度分析我国证券交易所公司制变革的直接推动因素。 - 4 . design the principal , the procedural , the program to carry out , and the measures to control the conflict between business objectives and regulation function , and some cautions of china stock exchanges demutualizing
4 、设计我国证券交易所公司制变革的可行方案,包括变革的原则、程序和实施方案,以及控制交易所职能冲突的有效措施和变革应注意的突出问题。 - In order to promote the market - based development of security market of our country and strength the international competitiveness , the author suggests that we should make the successful experiences of demutualization in foreign countries and smoothly accelerate the demutualization of stock exchanges of our country to meet the need of development of security market
摘要为了推动我国证券市场市场化的发展,增强我国证交所的国际竞争力,建议大胆借鉴国外证券交易所公司制改革的成功经验,积极稳妥地推进我国证券交易所的公司化,以使我国的证券交易所能够真正适应证券市场发展的需要。 - Historically non - profitable stock exchanges owned by their members can not stand out under the new situation of capital globalization and trade electronicalization , while the shareholder - owned company will be advantageous in terms of capital raising and decision making