
亚硝基硫酸 meaning in English

nitroso-sulfuric acid
nitrosyl-sulfuric acid


  1. The nitrosation of cyclohexanecarboxylic acid ( cca ) with nitrosyl sulfuric acid is an important industrial process to produce - caprolactam
  2. The experiments showed that there also existed a parallel reaction between cca and so3 as well as an intercrossing reaction between caprolactam and nitrosyl sulfuric acid , except for the nitrosation of cca

Related Words

  1. 硝基底漆
  2. 二硝基
  3. 硝基酸硝基系
  4. 硝基乙醇
  5. 硝基腻子
  6. 硝基亚硝基烃
  7. 硝基甲苯
  8. 硝基氯仿
  9. 邻硝基氯苯
  10. 对硝基磺胺噻唑
  11. 亚硝基蓝四氮唑
  12. 亚硝基硫醇
  13. 亚硝基硫酸盐
  14. 亚硝基硫酸盐noso-4m
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