中文频道 meaning in English
- Tv channels in english , japanese and chinese available , satellite tv , 36 cable tv channels
可以收视英文、日文、中文频道卫星电视、 36个闭路电视频道 - And one of the reasons that i came here was to try to - because , as you can see , a few people come with me from the news media - i hope that my trip would help to show a full and balanced picture of modern china to the united states , and that by coming here , it would encourage others to come here and others to participate in the life of china
现在,有十亿以上的中国人有电视可看,而二十年前只有一千万人。卫星天线四处可见,它们接收许多外来的频道,包括cnn的中文频道卫星电视台及世界网。在中国的一千家广播电台里,谈话节目越来越风行,且受到的管制较少。 - Would they attempt to develop the human capacity of the russian people and work in partnership with their neighbors for a greater future , or would they remember the bad things the happened to them in the past 200 years and think the only way they could be great would be to dominate their neighbors militarily