东湖大厦 meaning in English
east lake hotel
- East lake hotel : hubei hotels - china hotel hubei hotel reservation
湖北东湖大厦:湖北饭店-中国饭店湖北饭店订房网 - East lake hotel
湖北东湖大厦 - East lake building is a commercial type tourist hotel constructed according to international five star hotel with 168 guest rooms , it is spacious and comfortable , elegant and luxurious ; the floors of administrative building have bar corridor and small sized meeting rooms , the beautiful scenery of east lake is within the clear sight by looking to the outside through the window
湖北东湖大厦东湖大厦是一家国际五星级标准建造的商务型旅游饭店, 168间套客房,宽敞舒适典雅华贵行政楼层特设酒廊和小型洽谈室,临窗远眺,尽览东湖美丽风光。