三叉神经脊束核 meaning in English
nuclei tractus spinalis nervi trigemini
nucleus of spinal tract of trigeminal nerve
nucleus spinalis nervi trigemini
nucleus tractus spinalis nervi trigemini
nucleus tratus spinalis nervi trigemini
spinal nucleus of trigeminal nerve
spinal trigeminal nucleus
- The present study , ( d by using immunohistochemical single , double or triple staining method , showed the expression , relationship and distribution pattern of fos - protein , gfap or th in rat cns , investigated the plastic response and relationship of rat lumbar spinal cord as and neurons to pain induced by the unilateral tibia and fibula fracture ; ( 2 ) by using a double immuno - electron - microscopic method , investigated the ultrastructural characters of junction areas between neurons and as in the dorsal horn of rat lumbar spinal cord following the unilateral tibia and fibula fracture ; ? after intrathecal application of the carbenoxolone , a gap junction blocker , recorded the paw withdrawal thermal latency and compared with control
在脑干gfap - li星形胶质细胞主要分布于mvz内的孤束核( nts ) 、腹外侧延髓( vlm )以第四军医大学博士学位论文及两者之间的中间带( irt )上。三叉神经脊束核尾侧亚核( vc ) 、外侧楔柬核( ecu ) 、蓝斑( lc ) 、臂旁外侧核( lp ) 、中缝大核( rmg ) 、中脑导水管周围灰质腹外侧区( vipag ) 、中缝背核( dr )等部位也出现一定数量的gfap阳性细胞。 f 。 - Our previous studies confirmed that the central pathway of trigeminal proprioceptive sensation consists of four orders of neurons , and neurons from the first - to the fourth - order are located , respectively , in the mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus ( vme ) , the dorsomedial part of the subnucleus oralis of the spinal trigeminal nucleus and its adjacent reticular formation ( vodm - lrf ) , the " zone - shaped area " [ including the caudolateral part of the supratrigeminal nucleus ( vsup - cl ) , the dorsomedial part of the principal sensory trigeminal nucleus ( vpdm ) , the area ventral to the motor trigeminal nucleus ( avm ) and the area dorsal to the superior olivary nucleus ( ado ) ] and the contralateral ventral posteromedial nucleus ( vpm ) of the thalamus . because the pathway is a novel one , there has been little systematic morphological data available so far regarding the neurotransmitters involved in this pathway
该通路中第二、三级神经元所在地分别是三叉神经脊束核吻侧亚核背内侧区及其邻接的网状结构( dorsomedialpartofthesubnucleusoralisofthespinaltrigeminalnucleusanditsadjacentreticularformation , vodm - lrf )和带状区[包括背侧的三叉上核尾外侧部( caudolateralpartofthesupratrigeminalnucleus , vsup - cl )和感觉主核背内侧部( dorsomedialpartoftheprincipalsensorytrigeminalnucleus , vpdm )及腹侧的两个分别位于三叉神经运动核腹侧和上橄榄核背侧的暂命名为avm ( areaventraltothemotortrigeminalnucleus )和ado ( areadorsaltothesuperiorolivarynucleus )的两个小核团] 。