万事起头难 meaning in English
everything is difficult at the start.; it is the first step that is troublesome
- Everything is hard in the beginning .
万事起头难。 - Very common at the time you produced something as an apprentice , and it did not turn out the way it should be , you earned yourself an intensive twist on the ear or a smack in the face , and if you ask why you for sure got a second one and so on , it was called high efficiency learning . after 3 years of learning his lessons in quality work , consistency , and order , walter were scrutinized by the examination committee consisting of master bakers and teachers about his abilities in theory and practice , he become a baker craftsman in 1953 . fulfilling his duties for 5 years as a craftsman , he was entitled to apply for a master baker examination by entering in the master baker training school
意思是万事起头难,唯有勤做苦干实干才能成为顶尖,学徒生涯总是苦的,但对于烘培抱持著高度热情的麦可,他反而是乐在其中,平日他得在凌晨两点,周末则是从晚间9点就得开始做面包,一站就是12个小时,另外还有许多的杂事苦差事麦可全都得做前三年他在家里附近的面包店跟随著师傅瑞拿先生meister renner学习烘培面包技巧,在技法纯熟后,他又到离家400公里的知名点心坊garmisch - partenkirchen精进自己的甜点烘培知识,在面包与甜点的烘培技巧都小有心得之后,他正式结束学徒生活迈向新的里程碑在garmisch - partenkirchen的两年中,麦可于空闲之馀在当地的酒吧担任吧台调酒饭店担任滑雪教练,不同的工作环境与人际交往更丰富了他的历练。