
zongyang meaning in English



  1. Brief report of excavation of tangjiadun site at zongyang county in anhui
  2. Tectonic setting of mesozoic magmatic activities in the region of jingbian - panzhuwa in lujiang - zongyang volcanic basin
  3. In zongyang dialect , the passive voice tag which was derived from the word " suffer " used as a verb has further falsified into the discourse tag indicating " afterthoughts " , and at the same time , its related syntactic representation and personal restriction have occurred some changes accordingly
  4. Northeast faults control the spread of the anhui riverway , and eastwest faults resulted in the widening of the river and the occurrence of nodes , then the stream raised and the riverway turn into goose pattern braided river . northwest faults and northsouth faults influence the evolvement of partial riverway , for example , the northwest lujiang - zhongming fault influence the evolvement of tongning shoals , and the northsouth faults passing through zongyang - digang make the riverway ' s direction from north - east to north - south

Related Words

  1. zongyang county
  2. huang zongyang
  3. zongxiao yan
  4. zongxoi
  5. zongyang (a county in anhui province)
  6. zongyang county
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