uroporphyrinogen meaning in English
- A database search revealed that the putative sequence of the red gene shows 40 - 50 % identity with those of uroporphyrinogen iii methyltransferase ( encoded by coba gene ) from various kinds of bacteria . an over - expression of the coba gene in e . coli was reported to lead to an accumulation of trimethylated derivative of porphyrin termed trimethylpyrrocorphin and factor ii , which emit strong red fluorescence under uv
在ddbj中搜索到多种细菌来源的coba基因(编码uroporph仰nogenhmethyltransferase )与redsene有40 50的同源性,并据报道,其中一个来源于pmpboibaclerilllaslldelll切chit的coba的基因,转人大肠杆菌、酵母菌及动物细胞后能使表达载体在紫外线下发射红色荧光。