
tih meaning in English



  1. It is also easy to analyze by electric probe patterns that the surface of tih - j powder is coated by al2o3
  2. The colloquium has been presided over by chao tih - han , sung shee , and wang teh - yi , it is sung shee who served the longest for 26 years
  3. A self - made device used to measure the hydrogen release curve ( v - t ) of coated tih2 / and tih2 was founded , and the results show that the hydrogen released characteristic of coated tih : had been improved and hydrogen released time had been delayed
    利用自制的释氢试验装置,测定了tih _ 2包覆剂的释氢曲线( v - t ) ,并和未包覆的进行了比较,证明包覆对改善tih _ 2的释氢特性,延迟释氢时间确有效果。

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  5. tih trunk interface handler
  6. tih time interval error
  7. tigzirt
  8. tig――fatigue
  9. tih sahra el
  10. tih sheng chemical works
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