
thammasat meaning in English



  1. The board of trustees , chaired by the rector of thammasat university , consists of representatives from thammasat university ( tu ) , fti , keidanren , scholars nominated by the university , and the institute ' s director
  2. The retreat was held at the rangsit sports complex of thammasat university in bangkok , the site of the 1998 asian games . the complex is an enormous facility styled in a village - type arrangement and equipped with many stadiums and a residential area for athletes
    禅七地点位在泰玛沙大学的蓝希运动村, 1998年曼谷亚运即在此举办,该村占地极广,设有多座体育馆及许多的选手住宿房舍。
  3. The first runner - up was a team of five part - time postgraduate students studying in cuhks mba programme in finance at tsinghua university in shenzhen . christabel zheng xiaoying , tenny lau , joseph lung , colin zou and johnson chang zheng won hk 3 , 000 and the chance to represent cuhk to compete with other leading universities in asia at the asia moot corp competition to be held in bangkok from march 20th to 22nd
    亚军队伍由五名中大与清华合作培育的金融财务mba学生包括郑肖、刘毅德、展炜、邹宝新及常峥组成,他们获得现金奖三千元,并将代表中大前往泰国曼谷的thammasat大学参与在三月举行的亚洲moot corp创业计划比赛,与来自亚洲多国的顶尖大学的学生一较高下。

Related Words

  1. thammasat university
  2. thammarak
  3. thammarakkit
  4. thammasat university
  5. thammasin
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