teleosts meaning in English
- Jaillon , o . , et al . " genome duplication in the teleost fish tetraodon nigroviridis reveals the early vertebrate proto - karyotype . nature 431 , no . 7011 ( 2004 ) : 946 - 57
一种叫金娃娃的硬骨鱼的基因组复制揭示了早期脊椎动物的主要的染色体组型。 《自然》 , 431卷,第7011期( 2004年) : 946 - 57页。 - After a comparison of all the ghrs isolated from the present study and others available at ncbi database , we find that ghr2 only exist in teleosts , and there is no such a gene in other vertebrates
在得到以上ghr序列后,又分析了人、鼠、鸡等其他动物的基因组,发现ghr2只存在于鱼类,是鱼类特有的现象。本研究对ghr1和ghr2做了详细的比较分析。 - The complete nucleotide sequence of the mitochondrial genome of f . limnocharis was detailedly compared with those of 5 other amphibians . the nucleotide sequences of 22 trna encoded by 6 amphibians mitochondrial genomes were combined and aligned to the homologous sequences of the 11 veterbrate taxa . using teleosts as outgroup , the phylogenetic analyses results show that mp , nj and ml trees all strongly support the monophyly of living amphibians with respect to other living tetrapods and favor a sister group relationship for caecilians and salamanders
我们在测定了泽蛙线粒体全基因组序列的基础上,与已知其它的5种两栖类进行详细的比较分析,同时选择了11种高等脊椎动物的线粒体全基因序列,以硬骨鱼类做外群,用22个trna基因合并数据进行系统发生重建分析,结果表明mp 、 nj和ml树都强力地支持现生两栖类动物为单系群并且蝾螈类和蚓螈类为姐妹群关系(自引导值分别为92 、 99 、 100 ) 。 - When using the nuclear acid sequence and the predicted amino acid sequence of scghr to blast the fugu genome , we found that there were two contigs which shared the most similarity with scghr . therefore we realized there maybe were two ghrs encoded by different genes in teleosts . then , by means of nuclear acid sequence joining , orf of fghr1 and fghr2 were predicted from fugu genomic sequences using cohoghr isf1 , cohoghr isf2 , chghr and other related ghr amino acid sequence available at ncbi database
当利用南方鲇ghr的核苷酸、氨基酸序列blast东方?的基因组时,发现有两个contig与其氨基酸序列非常相似,因此意识到鱼类可能存在两种不同基因编码的ghr 。随后主要利用已经克隆得到的cohoghrisf1 、 cohoghrisf2 、 chghr以及其他鱼类ghr核苷酸和氨基酸序列blast东方纯的基因组,采用序列拼接的方法从东方?基因组中分离出两种不同基因编码的fghr1和fghr2 (本研究把和传统ghr相似的叫做ghr1 ,把另外一种叫做ghr2 ) 。