skybridge meaning in English
- After expounding the power supply and current collection modes of the rolling stock in shanghai umt pearl line in terms of technology and economy , the author argues that two current collection modes shall be adopted for shanghai umt pearl line , i . e . a third rail collector be on skybridge while the overhead contact line on the ground
摘要阐述了城市轨道交通车辆供电受流方式的特点,并从技术和经济两方面对上海明珠线车辆供电受流方式进行了探讨,提出了明珠线车辆应采用双受流方式,即高架桥上采用接触轨受流器受电,地面采用架空接触网受电弓受电。 - They have worked on many buildings and bridges in north america , europe , and asia . such projects include the petronas towers skybridge legs in malaysia , the bellagio bridges in las vegas , the trump world tower and the random house building in new york city , and the lester b . pearson airport apron control tower in toronto , canada
Pharmeng technology inc .在提供国际药厂与生化科技公司有关制药的谘询服务上,位居领导地位,并于不久前在加拿大约克地区所举办的华裔杰出企业家典礼上获颁2005年最佳国际公司奖。