shochu meaning in English
- " shochu is great because it comes in so many varieties , " said mika watanabe , an office worker
专业人士指出: “烧酒业的复兴得益于它品种的增加。 ” - " shochu is great because it comes in so many varieties , " said mika watanabe , an office worker
专业人士指出: “烧酒业的复兴得益于它品种的增加。 ” - If sake can be compared to beer or wine , shochu is more like the japanese version of single malt scotch
烧酒泡盛酒烧酒是日本具有代表性的蒸馏酒,为酒精度25度以上的高度酒。 - Even more remarkable has been the revival of shochu , a distilled spirit which can be made from barley , sweet potato or cane sugar
除了酒吧掀起米酒热,日本传统的烧酒业也在近两年发生了显著的变化。日本烧酒是用大麦甘薯和砂糖制成的蒸馏酒。 - Shochu has eaten into the market shares of beer and wine in the past two years and it dwarfs sales of scotch whisky , which was marketed aggressively in the 1990s