part-heard meaning in English
- If the master has not heard any argument but simply has read the papers and has given some directions , this should not be taken as part - heard
如聆案官并未听取论点而只是阅读了文件和给予指示,则此案件不可作已开审而未完审讯论。 - On very rare occasions part - heard cases are adjourned to another master ; it is usually done with the consent of parties in order to avoid delay
在极少情况下,已开审而未完审讯案件会被押后至另一聆案官席前审理这通常是为了避免延误及在各方同意情况下才会发生。 - It is almost an invariable rule that a part - heard case must be adjourned to a date to be fixed before the same master and only in special circumstances the rule is not followed