out-of-wedlock meaning in English
- If your child was born out - of - wedlock , or within six months of your marriage , please follow this link for
如果你的子女为非婚生儿,或者在你婚后不到六个月内出生,请点击此处查询 - Poor job prospects among black men may partially explain the higher out - of - wedlock births among african ? american women , observers say
观察家们说,黑人男子暗淡的就业前景,也许可以部分地解释非洲裔美国妇女未婚生育率较高的现象。 - In some situations , such as if your child was conceived out - of - wedlock , we may ask for evidence of the biological parents physical presence at the time of conception
在某些情况下,例如你的子女是非婚生儿,我们将要求你提供证据证明在配偶怀胎时,夫妇二人居住在一起。 - The united states has seen a welcome fall in teen pregnancies and a leveling off of out - of - wedlock births , but the rates remain at crisis levels in many cities
美国人欣喜地看到,少女怀孕的现象已有所下降,非婚生育情况也趋于稳定;但是在许多城市,这方面的数字仍居高不下。 - Douglas besharov , a sociologist with the american enterprise institute , a washington - based think tank , said it is difficult for the traditional family to emerge unscathed after three and a half decades of divorce rates reaching 50 percent and five decades out - of - wedlock births
美国企业协会社会学家道格拉斯贝沙洛夫说,连续35年50 %的离婚率和50年的不婚生子让传统家庭所剩无几。美国企业协会是华盛顿的一家研究机构。