
noncanonical meaning in English



  1. Lt ' s an epistle . noncanonical
  2. Lt ' s an epistle . noncanonical
  3. The most famous writings bearing his name are the first , second , and third books of enoch , ranked among the large body of literature termed apocryphal and pseudepigraphical , meaning that they are noncanonical ( not accepted into the body of recognized books of the bible ) and are - in the case of the pseudepigrapha - attributed to some person of note and written in the style of genuine biblical books
    最著名的著作就是以诺一书,二书和三书,把大量方面划分为次经和伪经,意思是说它们不在经典之中(并不圣经主要部分所接受) ,是属于圣经的模拟(伪仿)作品的情形? ?归结于一些人模仿真实圣经方式来记录和书写。
  4. The three so - called pseudepigraphical works were allegedly written by or under the influence of the antediluvian patriarch enoch , who was taken up to heaven by the lord , an event described in the book of genesis ( 5 : 24 ) ; pseudepigraphical writings are those that are noncanonical ( meaning not accepted into the body of biblical books ) and were composed in a style intending to resemble or appear as authentic biblical literature , often assuming the title of some personage known to the audience
    三篇所谓的伪经依其申述是在大洪水之前的以诺族长影响之下写成的,以诺被神提升到天堂,是创世纪( 5 : 24 )描述的事件;伪经作品是不列入正典中的书(意味着并不被圣经主要部分所接受) ,以一种预计中类似可信圣经文献的风格来编写,或者以可信圣经文献面貌来出现,经常采用一些众所周知的著名人物作为标题。

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  1. noncanonical mode
  2. noncancerous
  3. noncandidate
  4. noncanonical mode
  5. noncapacitation
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