non-division meaning in English
- The first model supports the following three arguments : ( a ) if labor division among the members of a society does not exist and all the members have the same specialized skills , business immoral behavior will be pervasive ; ( b ) if there is fixed labor divisions among the members of a society , business immoral behavior will be constrained strongly due to the existence of the " punishing " for " bad " behavior ; ( c ) in any real - world market economy , most labor divisions belong to a type of mobile labor division , which combines the features of non - division and fixed - division
该模型主要论证了三个重要命题: ( a )在一个个体之间完全无分工的、市场经济,商业不道德行为会十分猖獗; ( b )在一个个体之间存在固西北大学经管学院博士学位论文定性分工的市场经济,商业不道德行为将会由于惩罚的存在而大为收敛; ( c )在任何现实的市场经济中,纶大多数分工属于可流动性分工。