namco meaning in English
- The sacred namco lake attracted numerous worshippers to circle clockwise every 12 years
神圣的纳木措湖每12年都会吸引众多的虔诚的藏民前来转湖。 - Nyenchen tanglha , set off by namco lake , looks magnificently tall and handsome while lake namco , reflecting nyenchen tanglha , appears even more beautiful and touching
念青唐古拉山因为有纳木错的衬托而显得更加英俊挺拔,纳木错因为倒映着念青唐古拉山而显得更加美丽动人。 - In addition , religious activities during the annual sholton festival and the traditional practice of circling mount kangrinboqe in the year of the horse and circling lake namco in the year of the sheep along pilgrim paths have been carried on and respected by society at large