musculoplasty meaning in English
- Methods on 236 cases of baggy deformities of lower eyelid , transconjunctival orbital fat removal , partial skin removal , orbicularis oculi musculoplasty , transcutaneous orbital fat removal and reinforcement of supporting structures of lower eyelids , or orbital fat preservation blepharoplasty were used according to patients individual conditions
方法对236例睑袋患者,根据具体情况采用结膜径路的眶脂去除术( 41例) 、单纯松弛皮肤去除术( 25例) 、单纯眼轮匝肌整复术( 8例) 、皮肤径路的眶脂去除下睑支持结构加固术( 149例)以及保留眶脂的睑袋整复术( 13例)进行整复。