monlam meaning in English
- Feb 2006 in kagyu monlam , boddhigaya india
噶玛噶举传承内的尊贵上师们图集 - In monlam india group pictures iv pic 1
图一:布置会场的工作人员 - In monlam india jan 2006
2006年一月于印度菩提迦耶金刚座 - Karmapa chenno ! the most update pictures of his holiness karmapa in monlam india
顶礼至尊至圣之伟大上师噶玛巴 - In the early jan 2007 , the karmapa arrived back to his temporary camp at gyuto monastic college in dharamsala , after presiding over the the great monlam aspiration of the glorious unequaled kagyu sangha pal nyammay kagyupay sangha monlam chenmo in bodhgaya , bihar , india
不期然,这个愿望竟然实现了,辗辗转转,经过多少人的关心与帮助, mimi终于拿到了这些大像素的法像,不敢有停歇, mimi即刻看过了数百幅相片,从中精选10幅给大家