
mlit meaning in English



  1. Ministry of land , infrastructure and transport of japan mlit
  2. 3 . return the completed form to noise management control section in person , by mail , by fax or by email . relevant supporting document materials including one pme photos in hard or soft copy , documents showing manufacturing location and the commissioning date , ec declaration of conformity japan mlit letter must be attached
    3 .填妥的申请表,必须连同相关证明文件的资料包括机动设备的照片一张硬照或电子复本均可显示生产地和投产日期的文件欧盟符合宣告书或日本国土交通省函件送交寄交传真或电邮至噪音监理及管制课。
  3. A9 . there could be several reasons that an application for a qpme label could be refused . the possible ones are that equipment certificates attached do not meet with eu or mlit japanese standards ; the output power of excavator , loader and dozer is equal to or more than 500 kw or that of generator is equal to or more than 400 kw ; insufficient or missing information in the application form ; or the supporting documents are missing or incomplete

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