miike meaning in English
- Is certainly not a work for the mainstream audience , and also not the kind of stuff most miike s fans would expect
要用四个字总结izo的成绩我想莫名其妙是最为适合不过。 - Is certainly not a work for the mainstream audience , and also not the kind of stuff most miike s fans would expect
要用四个字总结《 izo 》的成绩,我想莫名其妙是最为适合不过。 - So if the ingredient of love is war , then a competition for young illustrators is the main battlefield , with personalities like miike takashi and tsukamoto shinya making their appearances
恋乃役则喜画传统漫画,早上是ol ,晚上易装为心爱的漫画人物。两人邂逅相恋,就像鲜花插在石头上,好不容易彼此将就。 - As a cult icon of japanese cinema , prolific director takashi miike always brings surprise to his audiences . while his movies are mostly bizarre and full of experimental touches , there is usually a legible storyline to follow
日本导演三池崇史的电影一向怪鸡另类,但大多都有清晰的剧情脉络可跟,无论怎样怪也起码是一部戏。 - Judging on these criteria , it is why i found it extremely hard to believe how miike could possible persuade the film company and the investors to work on such a commercial project that fails to care about the feeling of the audiences at all . some people may parallel it to say , wong kar wai s movies , that are also incomprehensible to the audiences , but wkw is at least more honest about his own feeling and he is always able to incorporate his genuine emotions into his movies
不过王家卫的影片总算拍出丰富感情,观众能够感受其意境和内涵,可惜同样孤芳自赏的三池崇史却眼高手低,整部戏只给人造作和惺惺作态的感觉,尤其那些历史片段的蒙太奇和唱歌戏(有点像西片《天生杀人狂》 ,但论意境和效果则差得远) ,都无法打动观众。