lubumbashi meaning in English
- In the mine of ruashi , about 20 kilometres outside lubumbashi , around 4 , 000 miners , some as young as eight , dig and sieve from dawn to dusk
在卢本巴西外20公里左右的ruashi矿,有大概4000名矿工,有的只有8岁大,从早到晚挖矿筛矿。 - In the mine of ruashi , about 20 kilometres outside lubumbashi , around 4 , 000 miners , some as young as eight , dig and sieve from dawn to dusk
这些独立的从业者开采8 %品位的富钴矿(也叫水钴矿)和35 %品位的富铜矿石,通过中间商卖给外国人,外国人大部分是从中国和印度来的,在附近的镇上有冶炼炉。