lant meaning in English
- It is now po ible to tra lant orga from animals into people
现在将动物身上的器官移植入人体内已经成为了可能。 - Most diagnosed with serious illne es needed tra lant operatio within a year otherwise they would die
大部分患重病的病人都需要在一年内接受器官移植手术,否则性命堪虞。 - We thank all of our parterners who have supported us over the years and have made it possible for lant to grow to its size today
莱特的今天,是全体员工的共同努力争取来的,当然也离不开广大客户的支持和信赖。 - Lant variety ? is a plant grouping within a single botanical taxon of the lowest known rank , which grouping , irrespective of whether the conditions for the grant of a breeder right are fully satisfied
植物品种系指一种属于已知最低阶之单一植物分类群范围内的植物分组,不论是否完全符合育种家权利之授与条件,该分类群可以是: - With about 10 years growing , the number of employees come to about 350 . and the producing capacity is 500 , 000pcs per month . so far , we are the largest manufacturer of gas cylinders in mainland china , and we have our own brand called lant
经过十多年的奋进,公司现有员工300多人,月生产能力达50万支,成为国内同行业中最大的一家生产商,拥有自己的品牌“ lant ” 。