
knavish meaning in English

-ly ,-ness n.


  1. There was something quite knavish in the man s attitude
  2. Not to be influenced by , or give ear to knavish tattling servants , or others
  3. Well , my sweet , said miss pross , nodding her head emphatically , the short and the long of it is , that i am a subject of his most gracious majesty king george the third ; miss pross curtseyed at the name ; and as such , my maxim is , confound their politics , frustrate their knavish tricks , on him our hopes we fix , god save the king
    “好了,我的宝贝”普洛丝小姐使劲地点着头说, “关键在于我是最仁慈的陛下乔治三世的臣民, ”她说起那名字便屈膝行礼, “作为臣民,我的格言是:粉碎彼辈之阴谋,挫败彼辈上诡计,王乃我希望之所在,上帝佑我王无虞! ”

Related Words

  1. knave of hearts
  2. knavery
  3. knavish and violent
  4. knavish; crafty
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